Being Artsy
Here's lil C's art development. Amazingly, yesterday he drew something that really amazed us!Lil C's pure concentration ~ I was observing him quietly and impressed with what he was drawing. Quickly I took a snapshot of it!
Guess what! This is the first time he sketched an almost perfect drawing *** If you can, in a way, see it, there are two person (which lil C described as uncle & koko). On the left, the koko(big bro) uses his two hands hitting a drum. On the right, the uncle has a little cymbal (the small round orange thingy).
Indeed, this is what Dr. Montessori called the Absorbent Mind. We dont directly teach lil C to do such drawing, but almost every other day, he would ask Papa / MaMa to draw similar sketches because he just love all those percussions!
Another Practical Life lesson from Maria Montessori : Care for the Environment. I think this is quiet important that a child should learn is after finishing a work, he must clean up! However, we as adults have to accept that a child's work isnt the same as the adults.
“A child’s work is to create the man he will become. An adult works to perfect the environment, but a child works to perfect himself.” - Dr. Montessori (1870-1952), engineer, physician, and educator in developing an approach to education that would aid the child in his/her work.I think as parents, it is important to understand this coz we always scold our children when they didnt complete a 'good' job in eyes of the adult.
is he going to be a painter or a drummer? ;D
;) Not written in any rules of thumb yet. I would like him to explore everything, as much as he can absorb!
wowww, christian is very good in arts! If I give a pen n paper to my Irfan, the only thing he can draw is round round circle.. huhuhu But I'm still proud of him since i know he always try his best to do something.. btw, may I know where to buy those non toxic water color?
I got the Crayola colours from Toys R'Us, its non-toxic and washable.
I think its practice makes perfect.. Almost everyday, when lil C remembers to draw, he will requests for it! Dont worry about Irfan, he will do so when he is ready! Meanwhile, keep exposing lotsa things to him, follow his pace!
Am impressed with C's development. You have done a great job mate!! :D
;) so is yours, dear!
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