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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Montessori Isn't Just for the Classroom

It is possible, without too much trouble, to turn a home into an effectively functioning Montessori classroom because the Montessori is, first and foremost, a method, and only secondarily, particular materials. In such an endeavor, a Catholic home has distinct advantages over a non-Catholic home because our Faith teaches us spiritual realities through the use of concrete signs, symbols, rituals and sacramentals. This incarnational approach to education is the heart of the Montessori method. Montessori discovered, and based her method on the fact that children not only learn, but actually build themselves, from the inside out, through the activities in which they engage. The more noble the activity, the more noble the product. [more..] - Julia Fogassy

Above is an excerpt of Julia Fogassy, a leading Catholic Homeschooler in Seattle, sharing on how she started homeschooling her children according to the Montessori Approach. Now, she and her daughter, Moira Farrel, opened their own online retail business, Our Father House, that sells lots of the Educational Materials for Catholic families, which some of them are based on the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.

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