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Saturday, December 01, 2007

Last day of Holiday Class

Phew!! Finally, this class has come to an end. I am quite relieved that lil C did enjoy his classes and proudly showing off the things that they did in school (of coz, u'd know they didnt do much..) But I think its good exposure.


Name on bedroom door

Other crafts: Scrapbook, letter holder, jigsaw puzzle wreath, Calendar, ANimal CLip... and baked lil cupcakes which were disgested in Mama's tummy.

Here's the final day of class, pix with old Mr Santa... wait.. there were two Santa.. one ori & one celup (fake).. hehehe...
Santa Claus is coming to town

The children were so anxious... Wonder if they have seen a Santa before?

Lil C with his first 'human' Santa encounter

With the 'ori' janggut Santa
He was smiling to the camera... That's what he does when u ask him to smile... so unoriginal.

Lil C & cuz Isaac, given two handful of sweets... that were their lunch yesterday

At first, I was worried if he or Isaac would be scared of the Santa bushy look. There's one time, we were in one of the shopping mall, he saw a Santa was 'walking' down the escalator, he ran towards me and asked me to carry him. "Scared, mama! Scared!" (I hafta admit, I was kinda shaken too seeing the Santa from a distant - oh, I didnt wear my glasses - looked very awkward). Then, I realised it was only a big statue of Santa, to be placed next to the Xmas decoration... hehehe.. If mama was shocked, what more a lil kid.

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