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Friday, August 29, 2008

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

That's what lil C shouted! Does he understand? No, he doesnt.. in fact he did ask what MERDEKA means..

Mama did the outline, and lil C filled it with respective colours (except that he used pink, instead of red)... He has seen lots of flags everywhere in the street, he called the Malaysian Flag, "Merdeka Flag"

The tiny flag is mine, as lil C asked me to draw one for me to colour it too.

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Another photo of lil C.. See how much he loves books.. He'd just sit and read, killing time.. hehehe..

To all Malaysian readers, HAPPY MERDEKA DAY!


Fiona said...

Merdeka ! Merdeka ! yippeee ...
Tapi mcm tia rasa ooh itu merdeka mood this year kan... mungkin pasal urg semua sibuk berpolitik sampai lupa sudah 31st Aug. Too bad...

Anonymous said...

wahhhh Lil C can read already!?? Pandai!! :D

Merdeka! Irfan used to called our flag as "emmdeka" pula!! hahaha

and good job Lil C did on coloring!!

Joan D'Arcy said...

Merdeka means we r balik kg.. Bros & didi's birthday !hehehehe... U tia balik mkut?

Mama Bento@taty,
No, but lil C can make up the stories from the pictures he sees.. So he cerita sendiri la.. hehehe.. and always, when on the throne! hahahaha! *excuse me with the pix*
"Emmdeka!!, Emmdeka!!"

Anonymous said...

hi celine! wah lil c left handed kan, macam sia.. hehe Happy Merdeka!

Unknown said...

Indy will say that is Malaysian's Flag. And sing: NEGARAKU hahaha
it is fun to see hear she sings the song. Some words she just like mumblings to her LOL. Like:
negaraku....nahanana darahku...
Then she also sing a song about Kundasang. I don't know any of the wording.
But some thing like:
tinggi tinggi gunung kinabalu...
kundasang, banyak sayur....

What song is that ah?
I also want to learn ...hehehe

Joan D'Arcy said...

Yes, he's a lefty. Susah juga mau ajar him sometimes, coz I am a righty.. kena adjust here and there..

hahaha! So cute lah...

Fiona said...

Hehe .. ya bah, kami pun balik kampung, di Tambunan. Misti mau go out from KK once in a while ..hehe

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