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Sunday, September 14, 2008


Hehehe.. funny title. Anyways, just to let you know that lil C has graduated from Family Music for Toddlers (FMT) to The Cycle of Seasons (CS). Not sure what am I talking about? Once I posted about lil C's music exposure in this blog. I am talking about his musikgarten class. :)

What's the different? Well, FMT [photos] is simulates musical instrument between parents & child (as parents are requested to accompany the child) where as in CS [photos], children are more independant when in the class. I was in his class today, it was so exciting seeing the kids learning music in a very creative way..

I cant wait to enroll Baby C into the Family Music for Babies (FMB). Not being kiasu, but I saw the benefits from koko after the classes.. I would like baby to enjoy music as much as his koko does. :)

If y ou are interested, you can click here for more info.

p.s: Have you read about the Mozart Effect?


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to lil C;) Good la asah bakat dia dalam music. He might just be a great performer one day kan:)

Anonymous said...

am thinking of enrolling hafiy to music class too..his mum know nothing about music thus no homeschool lesson for that..huhu

Anonymous said...

wowee congrates cel! kalau la sa masi muda sa mau juga p belajar piano adeh

Teacher Dess said...

have u heard about kinder beat ???

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