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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd ‘hands-on’ religious education gets a look in Texas

An article re: Catechesis of Good Shepherd (CGS), for reading pleasure

By Jonah Dycus

The Texas Catholic Herald (www.texascatholicherald.org)

KINGWOOD, Texas (The Texas Catholic Herald) - Centered on the specific goal of bringing children closer to God, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is being introduced to religious educators in the Archdiocese of Galvestion-Houston through formation courses being held at St. Martha Church.

The retreat-like focus of the Good Shepherd workshop helps emphasize the experiential approach to the spiritual formation, which concentrates on children 3-12 years in age, according to Annie Spade, formation leader.

“Since it is such a different approach to the child’s spirituality, we also continue to seek that kind of communion with our inner self,” Spade said in explaining the retreat format for the adult participants. “When we are young children, it is very natural for us (to be open-minded). But the older we get, the more we get into our routines and habits. If we weren’t given this opportunity, then a lot of times we would be lost.”

Based on Montessori principles of education, “the catechesis introduces the child to the Bible and liturgy through hands-on materials that allow the child to name and develop their personal relationship with God and the Church,” according to workshop literature. “The catechist and the child are co-learners seeking together the mystery of God and God’s kingdom.”

The formation is co-sponsored by the archdiocesan CCE Office’s Childhood Ministries and St. Martha Church.

Twenty-five catechists representing eight archdiocesan parishes have been enrolled in the formation courses at St. Martha.

[read more]

1 comment:

Pradeep Nair said...

Just reached here via your comment on Susan's blog. Nice to see a mom's blog. When I became a father, 14 years back, there were no blogs to chronicle my experiences of bringing up a child. I like what you have written about the role of a parent: to bring up a human from zero to hero. Wow!

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