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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Bookworm tag

I got this tag from Allthingspurple. Thanks

Here goes :

Do you remember how you developed a love for reading?
My grandma loved reading so much, I guess I got it from her (and my mom). My mom happened to be a library teacher. So during school holidays, she brought grandma (inc us, her kids) to the school library to 'borrow' some books! My lil bro & I even did a little library in our storeroom, with those home-made library tags... and a long wooden bench to sit on! hahaha!

What are some books you read as a child?
hmmm... I had a series of Noddy books, and other books by Enid Blyton. I liked detective/adventure stories like Nancy Drews, Hardy Boys, ermm.. the 5 kids doing some detective stuffs... I cant remember! Those days, I normally visit the library for books.

What is your favourite genre?
As I get older, I prefer non-fictional books.

Do you have a favourite novel?
hmmm... Havent read novels for a while now..

Where do you usually read?
When I was a kid, I used to read at my parents' balcony.. It was airy and windy (still is).. I remembered I used to read under my blanket using torchlight when it's passed midnight. Didnt want my parents know that I was still awake.. hahaha! Now, I read on my bed, after the boys are asleep.

When do you usually read?
At night, after my boys are asleep. It's difficult to finish a page when they are not.

Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?
Yes, it's always like.. "I will read this tonight, and that tomorrow", coz that's the only time I have for reading!

Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?
Actually, I prefer snuggling in my bed when reading fictions. While non-fictions, I can read them anywhere..

Do you buy most of the books you read, or borrow them, or check them out of the library?
Buy as the satisfaction of owning one is so much greater! hahaha!

Do you keep most of the books you buy?
Yes, in my room.

If you have children, what are some of the favorite books you have shared with them? Were they some of the same ones you read as a child?
At their current age (preschoolers), I introduced picture books, especially those non-talking animal characters, poetic kind. In future, I would like to introduce them to the detective/adventure storybooks like Hardy Boys, Nancy Drews etc.

Do you keep a TBR (to be read) list?
I do, and always counting the days to read them... as if I have so much time!

What’s next?
Well, as I am planning to homeschool the kids, I have these lists of "How-to" books.

What books would you like to reread?
hmmm... probably Lord of the Rings

Who are your favourite authors?
No one in particular.. I go for the content!

And I love to pass this tag to :

  1. A. Mosinoh
  2. F. Mosinoh
  3. S. Bansin
  4. cuz Kimberly
  5. Montessori Mum
  6. cuz Jenn
  7. cuz Mona

p/s i know i still owe tags from friends... sorry for the delays


Anonymous said...

Very enjoyable reading, thanks. I'm always on the hunt for great children's books and have recently discovered Bayard and their series of StoryBoxBooks, AdventureBoxBooks and DiscoveryBoxBooks (which is a special Olympic edition) They have work by acclaimed children's books illustrator Helen Oxenbury appearing in the Storybox series for September. In addition to this, they also have some great activities for rainy days: http://www.storyboxbooks.com/potatoprinting.php, http://www.adventureboxbooks.com/macaroni-picture-frames.php, http://www.discoveryboxbooks.com/skittles.php Enjoy!

Jenn said...

done cuz... http://funorgun.blogspot.com/


allthingspurple said...

hey, us too !! us too !! had a home made library complete with tags. Under supervision of a knowledgeable aunt.

and Noddy !! how could I have forgotten NOddy !!

Joan D'Arcy said...

Thanks for the interesting links

Thanks for doing the tag, cuzzy

U know, I did ur tag becoz it reminded me of my childhood.. I think we grew up during the same period.. hehehe

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