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Friday, August 22, 2008

School Holiday

We had some ABCs floormat when lil C was still a toddler, but took them out sometime last year as I thought that the kid had outgrown them. They were so worn out that I wanted to get rid of them... Forgot about them totally, as they were put in the store room.

Then, came the school holiday; I wasnt sure what could I do to keep the boys occupied (Isaac came for the whole week) until I found .....

from floormats to lil boxes

Cak! Auntie, I see you

Make a house..

Or just lay them on the floor.. let the boys fill in the alphabets... That'll keep them busy!

They just cant stop... Loving it!

Road track for their cars.. Beep! Beep!

Moral of the story : The junks in your storeroom might be useful a year later! :p
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Anonymous said...

begitu la tu kalo ada anak sudah kan... isk isk isk...

amosinoh said...

I agreed with you on storing them. Even now Phoebe teaching Wyatt to play with some of her educational toys.

Anonymous said...

:( I didn't have stuff or toys like that to play with while I was growing up. I only had my cushions and my cats;P

And ya, me and my bro even made small houses from cushions... haaha. Gini la budak kampungan dulu2...

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