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Saturday, July 05, 2008

My Bento Stash

Okay, this bento craze started with my monty buddy, Elaine.. then a blogger buddy, Christene. It was so contagious, it hit blogger buddy, Deana & the now Makcik Bento, Sandra. hahaha!! I hafta admit, the bug hit me too, slowly but surely! hmmm... (There goes my pocket money)..

Ever since I learnt about bento, I have been searching hi & lo about the tools. Searched via ebay & other online e-store, I told myself I am not ready to start the bento thingy... Not yet..

I was at one of the Japanese store, and I found a couple of Egg Moulds. Without thinking much, I bought them and was quite excited actually. The next morning, I made lil C's lunch snacks consisted of peanut butter sandwich (his fav) and a hard-boiled moulded egg. To my suprise, he finished his snacks. I was again, so excited, coz he hardly finishes his egg, he is one kid who hardly eats anything. I asked his teacher, and she confirmed that he ate the whole piece..

Wow.. I thought, these Bento tools do work like magic. :) Now I understand why Elaine & Christene are so passionate about this Bento thingy.. not to forget Deana & Sandra too! hahaha!

So, there goes the Bento craze in me.. I am convinced!!! Giving the boy interesting and healthy food, I dont mind waking up earlier in the morning to prepare Bento for lil C.. *okay, we'll see about that.. *chuckle*..

Here's what I got from Daiso last night. Sadly, there are not much choice to shop for Bento tools around KK. So far, I have only found a few... in Japan Home Center, Kompleks Asia City and Daiso, 1Borneo. (I am an amateurish cook, so I wont be sharing any bento pix of lil C yet... I am worried that it might put you off..)

Clockwise: Food Picks, carrot sauce containers, transparent bottle/animal sauce containers, food cups, food dividers in green.. Not in pix: Rabbit rice moulds & Animal-shape bread cutter.. each packet RM5

p/s Makcik Bento, Daiso have different colours for the food divider, but I just get green. It gives the appetising look.. heheh Also trying not to introduce too much pink stuffs to lil C.. erggh! hahaha

p/s2 Elaine, I want some Bento books.. need ideas... hahaha!


Unknown said...

I am looking for that food picks! and the food cups looks good!
And they have pink food divider?
Daiso here I come!

Deana E said...

ha ha ha and post what you get..aiya i better go without hubby..so hard to shop when he is wth me..sister saw miranda there..wonder if she is also another aunty bento.

Unknown said...

Deana, you will see when Sona goes do daycare, your bento stash will grow in no time LOL

Joan D'Arcy said...

hahaha!!! Internet too slow, cant tahan to upload. hehehe..

Wah, aunty bento a.k.a Sandra, what did u get at Daiso? hahaha!

My dh pula loves shopping.. More and more mummies into bentos.. I was at a friend's place today, we oso talk about bentos.. Haiya, this bento craze is like tsunami la.. hahaha

Aunty J said...

eh u gals are bad influence!! hahaha...am a potential aunty bento...uhuuu...hahaha

Unknown said...

yeah aunty J sure you will join our club soooon! muahahaha

allthingspurple said...

ha ha. it is really really really addictive, isnt it!

Anonymous said...

OOH..got Daiso shop in KK? I try to get the book for u yea. :D

Anonymous said...

wahh u also kena bento 'virus' celine?? ihiikkkssss..

Anonymous said...

i just can't wait to visit to 1 Borneo...will be going back to KK this coming August!!

FYI, i am Malaysian who staying in China.

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